The development of international standards to report over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives was in response to a request from the G20 Leaders to increase transparency in financial markets, offset systemic risk, and protect against market abuse following the 2007-8 financial crisis. The Derivatives Service Bureau (DSB) provides objective, standards-based reference data to market participants and public authorities to increase transparency in the OTC derivatives markets and supports public authorities’ monitoring of financial risk and market abuse.
The DSB is the exclusive golden source for the following ISO standards for OTC derivatives;
The public authorities of the individual jurisdictions are responsible for mandating the use of the ISIN, UPI, CFI and FISN. The DSB closely monitors initiatives relevant to these identifiers.
The following list provides an overview of the current and proposed mandates relating to the use of the ISIN, UPI, CFI and FISN.
The DSB will update the list regularly. Please contact us using our contact page if you identify missing legislation relevant to the adoption of the ISIN, UPI, CFI or FISN.
The contents of the table below should not be taken as legal advice. Market participants should seek legal or other professional advice in relation to any particular matters they or their organisation may have in relation to these rules.
The Derivatives Service Bureau (DSB) Limited is a company registered in England and Wales (No. 10542063)
LEI: 529900ORI6ALO8ABW676
Registered Address:
The Derivatives Service Bureau (DSB) Limited,
107 Cheapside,
United Kingdom.